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CEO June Message - 2021

01 June 2021
HCE members should all have received the HCE Annual Update and a ballot in the mail last month. This year, HCE members were asked to vote for Trustees to represent HCE’s Districts 4 (southern) and 5 (at-large). I hope you all had the time to read the nominees’ bios in the update booklet or watch their videos on Facebook. One of the most important Cooperative Principles for a cooperative is Democratic member control. Cooperatives are controlled by their members. The Board of Trustees you elect are members just like you, but now they will be...

CEO May Message - 2021

01 May 2021
By now you should have received an Annual Meeting Update and voting ballot package in the mail from Hill County Electric (HCE). While HCE is not able to host the meeting in person again this year, we will be voting by mail for members to represent District 4 (southern) and District 5 (at large). In the Annual Meeting Update you will find messages from myself, the current Board President and Secretary/Treasurer along with the nominating committee’s nominations to represent the above-mentioned districts. Members were able to nominate members ...


01 April 2021
What is the first thing you think of when you think of Hill County Electric (HCE)? Does it provide reliable, safe, and low-cost electricity? That is our goal is every day. However, this goal could never be accomplished without our great employees. Whether it be the linemen, our employees in the office, shop, or warehouse, they are all an important part of the HCE team. The second Monday in April (April 12, 2021) is set aside to celebrate the electric linemen who work around the clock to keep the power on. HCE’s lineman are a group of skille...


01 March 2021
In last month’s article I discussed the unique history of HCE and cooperatives in general. This month I am going to delve a little deeper into how and why electric cooperatives came to be. In the mid 1930’s, 9 out of 10 rural homes did not have electricity. They relied on kerosene lanterns for light and wood stoves for heat and cooking. Before the Rural Electrification Administration (REA) was formed, electricity was found mostly in towns where larger populations made it more feasible and profitable for power companies to provide service. I...

CEO February Message 2021

01 February 2021
Electric cooperatives, including Hill County Electric (HCE), have a unique place in our country’s history. Because we are a cooperative, our business model makes us different from other utilities. HCE follows seven cooperative principles including honesty, transparency, equity, inclusiveness, and commitment to the communities we serve. HCE and other electric cooperatives spread the American dream by bringing electricity to rural areas when there were no other options as for-profit companies considered it too costly to provide service in rur...

CEO January Message

01 January 2021
Happy New Year!! It is so nice to have 2020 behind us. Let us hope that 2021 is not at all like 2020. I hope all of you are staying healthy and have gotten through or stayed healthy despite this pandemic. As we move into 2021, I would like to share that we at Hill County Electric (HCE) are still focused on bringing our members power and making sure the services you purchase from HCE continue to be reliable at a low rate. We hear a lot about the “green new deal” and renewable energy alternatives to carbon producing generation. HCE obtains m...

CEO Message - December

01 December 2020
On behalf of myself, the Hill County Electric (HCE) Board, and employees, I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thank you to our incredible employees who continue to provide our members with the best service during these trying times. Many of our employees have been working remotely, which is quite a change, and a few have been able to still be here in the Havre office. Our linemen prove again and again their dedication to our membership which makes us one of the best cooperatives around. It has taken every...

CEO November Message

01 November 2020
While we associate giving thanks and counting our blessings with Thanksgiving time, it is something we should do every day. Hill County Electric (HCE) has a lot to be thankful for including our members, employees, and Board members. Each year at Montana Electric Cooperatives’ Association (MECA) Annual Meeting of Members, MECA selects Cooperative Spirit Award winners from MECA member cooperative nominations. HCE is proud to announce that Board member, Clarence “Fritz” Keller and HCE’s CFO, Mark Majeres were selected as this year’s Cooperativ...

CEO October Message

01 October 2020
In 1945, Hill County Electric Cooperative (HCE) was built by the rural residents of Hill County to serve local communities, and after 75 years we will continue to keep the power on now and for our future generations. In celebration of cooperatives, October is National Co-op Month, and electric cooperatives across the country like HCE are proud to “Power On.” Keeping this theme in mind, we recognize the essential role HCE plays in serving our communities with high quality, reliable and safe electric services. HCE’s top priority is to contin...