Green Tags
Green Tags are renewable energy credits that represent the environmental benefit associated with generating electricity from a renewable energy source. While HCE does receive its power from hydro resources, Green Tags have been purchased by HCE for the benefit of those cooperative members desiring to buy power with a renewable energy component, while helping promote renewable energy as a new source of power generation. The program is voluntary and requires no contract. Green Tags benefit the environment and positively impact the future.
Interested? Call HCE at 1-877-394-7804.
Kill A Watt™ EZ
Now you can cut your energy costs and find out how much energy your appliances are using. Simply connect your appliances to the Kill A Watt™ EZ, and it will assess how efficient they really are. This device is available at the Hill County Electric warehouse.
Home Energy Saver
Click here to find out how to make your home more energy efficient and save some money at the same time. HCE also offers a home energy audit and advice service to interested members.
Business Energy Advisor
Touchstone Energy has created a website dedicated to giving businesses helpful energy information.
KW Usage Chart
Find out how much electricity your household appliances use by looking at the handy chart below.
Appliance | Avg Wattage | Cost Per Month |
Air Conditioner (12,000 BTU) | 1500 | $30.75 |
Air Conditioner (36,000 BTU) | 4500 | $92.25 |
Auto Engine Heater | 600 | $2.46 |
Battery Charger (Car) | 150 | $0.23 |
Bug Zapper | 40 | $1.23 |
CD, Tape, Radio, Receiver System | 250 | $1.54 |
Clothes Dryer | 5000 | $8.71 |
Coffee Maker | 1165 | $0.48 |
Computer | 365 | $2.81 |
Convection Ovens | 1500 | $1.23 |
Dehumidifier (20 Pints, Summer) | 450 | $16.61 |
Dish Washer (Dry Cycle) | 1200 | $3.08 |
Dish Washer (Wash Cycle) | 200 | $0.51 |
Electric Blanket | 175 | $3.23 |
Electric Heat (Baseboard, Furnace, Heat Pump) | Call for heating estimate | |
Fan (Attic) | 400 | $2.91 |
Fan (Ceiling) | 80 | $1.23 |
Freezer (Automatic Defrost 15 cu.ft.) | 440 | $15.06 |
Freezer (Manual Defrost 15 cu.ft.) | 350 | $10.48 |
Electric Fry Pan | 1200 | $1.23 |
Hair Dryer | 1000 | $1.03 |
Heat Lamp | 250 | $0.13 |
Heat Tape (30ft., Winter) | 180 | $13.28 |
Heater (Auto Engine, Winter) | 1000 | $9.23 |
Heater (Portable) | 1500 | $6.15 |
Heater (Portable) | 1500 | $55.35 |
Heating System (Warm Air Fan) | 312 | $9.21 |
Humidifier (Winter) | 177 | $4.17 |
Jacuzzi (Maintain Temperature, 2 Person) | 1500 | $14.30 |
Lighting (Incandescent) | 75 | $0.77 |
Lighting (Fluorescent) | 40 | $0.41 |
Lighting (Compact Fluorescent) | 18 | $0.18 |
Lighting (Outside Floor) | 120 | $1.11 |
Microwave | 1500 | $1.69 |
Motor (1 HP) | 1000 | $2.05 |
Oven Range | 2660 | $2.18 |
Oven (Self Cleaning Cycle) | 2500 | $0.77 |
Refrigerator/Freezer (Frost Free, 17.5 cu.ft.) | 450 | $15.36 |
Satellite Dish (Includes Receiver) | 360 | $6.75 |
Sump Pump (1/2 HP) | 500 | $1.03 |
Television (Color, Solid State) | 200 | $3.75 |
VCR/DVD | 21 | $0.03 |
Washer | 512 | $0.89 |
Waterbed Heater (Queen Size) | 375 | $9.84 |
Water Heater (Quick Recovery) | 4500 | $41.05 |
Water Pump (1/2 HP) | 460 | $1.93 |
Please Note: These figures will vary. |