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The Board of Trustees and Management of Hill County Electric Cooperative have negotiated long term contracts with our power suppliers to help safeguard our members against the huge fluctuations in energy rates worldwide. 

HCE purchases its wholesale power from Central Montana Electric Power Cooperative (CMEPC). CMEPC purchases electricity generated by Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) and Basin Electric Power Cooperative. As a member of an electric cooperative the rate you pay for electricity is based on the wholesale rate plus a small margin for operating expenses. HCE is not looking to make a profit for investors, rather we are trying to provide our members the lowest possible rates with the highest quality customer service.

Rate Class 11-Rural Residential
Monthly Recurring Charge  $40 | Energy Charge $.05185 kWh (/kWh) | Delivery Charge $.0525 kWh (/kWh)

Rate Class 15- Annual Residential
Annual Recurring Charge $480 | Energy Charge $.03908 kWh (/kWh) | Delivery Charge $.0775 kWh (/kWh)
The Annual Recurring Charge is billed for the year in advance on May 1st. Usage is billed November 1st.

Rate Class 31-  Irrigation Rate
$24.11/kW peak from previous year or $18.00 per connected horsepower if kW peak is not available | Energy Charge  $.09958 kWh (/kWh)Horsepower charge is billed March 1st and must be paid before the meter is energized. Usage is billed July 1st & November 1st. Irrigation meters will be de-energized between October 25th-30th each year.

Rate Class 41- Small Commercial Rate
Monthly Recurring Charge  $60 | Energy Charge  $.05859 kWh (/kWh) | Delivery Charge $.0500 kWh (/kWh)

Rate Class 45- Large Commercial Rate
Demand Charge $12 per kW | Energy Charge  $.0558 kWh (/kWh)  |  Delivery Charge $.0325 kWh (/kWh)
Minimum Service Charge $2.50 per KVA of installed transformer capacity per month.  This charge will be billed if demand plus energy charge is less than the minimum.

Rate Class 52- Yard Light
Mercury Vapor  $10 per month  |  High Pressure Sodium  $10 per month  |  LED $10 per month

Other Rates and Fees
Name Change Fee = $10
NSF Check Fee = $20
Connect Fee = $25
Service Limiter Adapter Fee = $25
Disconnect for Non-Payment Fee = $25
Reconnect for Non-Payment Fee = $25
Collection Fee = $40
Security Deposit (non-Electric Heat) = $200
Security Deposit (Electric Heat) = $450
Security Deposit (Other) = The greater of the existing Security Deposit or $200 or two times the monthly average from the latest twelve month period rounded to the nearest ten dollar increment.