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Recruiting and retaining good, quality educators in rural schools is a significant problem in Montana. We are proud to offer a unique opportunity to rural communities to help with this issue. 

Each year, we will present an area teacher with a $1,500 award through this program (renewable one-time) to a current or incoming educator who teaches at a Class B or smaller school district in HCE’s service area. Funds may be matched by one of HCE’s partner companies.

Program Requirements

  • Teach in a B or smaller school district
  • Teacher does not have to be a member or member-dependent

Application Requirement

  • Letter of Interest
    • Introduce yourself and your area of study
    • Explain what influenced your decision to become a teacher
    • Convey why you currently teach or want to teach in a rural community
    • Include:
      • Any other qualifications or interests that you think we should know about you. 
      • Positions of leadership
      • Previous awards received  
      • Participation in group activities
      • Community service
    • Explain how a $1,500 award (renewable one-time) would encourage you to stay in your rural community for the next two years.
  • Contact Information

Applications Must be Received by 3/1

Awards will be paid out in August after confirmation of teaching from B, C or smaller school administrator in our service area.