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  • CEO September Message - 2021

CEO September Message - 2021

01 September 2021

Hill County Electric (HCE) is prepared for any kind of weather, and we urge our members to stay safe around electricity when they are working in the fields and when storms happen. Storms can happen during the heat of summer or the middle of winter. Along the Hi-Line in Montana we should be prepared for any kind of weather.

After a July thunderstorm blew down a few poles, I wanted to remind everyone to be safe around power lines. One pole blown down during the storm was held off the ground by power lines that were still energized resulting in an extremely dangerous situation. Remember to never touch and always stay away from power lines on or near the ground. You cannot tell by looking at them if the lines are energized, so stay away and call 911. It is important to HCE that our members be safe around electricity all year long.

We use electricity all the time because it is available to us at the flip of a switch, but it is easy to take it for granted. Think of how our demand for electricity has changed over the years. From the earliest electrification, lights were a modern miracle. Today we live with the convenience of electric appliances and a typical home contains on averages 10 or more internet-connected devices. All those appliances and devices are powered by electricity.

We care about you, the members we serve, and understand that electricity is a necessity not a commodity. HCE takes pride in providing safe and reliable electric service to all our members. Electricity provides so much more than just lighting. Electricity powers our daily lives, from the appliances in our homes to TVs, computers, Wi-Fi routers to keeping your smartphone charged.

I hope by the time you read this, we have gotten some much needed rain, without the storms.